Why Sourcing from US Factories Is a Challenge

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考虑到美国是世界上最大的经济体,也是全球最大的商品和正规赌篮球的APP进出口国, it is not uncommon for many to wonder why we, as a studio, have a hard time sourcing our products in the US.


作为一家公司,我们喜欢彻底调查工厂条件、工作质量和报价. We take great care in lacing intricacy, detail, 我们的工作质量,我们不打算在这些标准上妥协.


为了公司的声誉和客户的满意, we are meticulous when choosing our outsourcing partners. We want to deliver nothing short of the best, and unfortunately, 我们在美国生产时很难保持我们的标准.


A few reasons for this include:


Lack of skills and proper machinery


  1. Lack of expertise几年前,我参观了印度孟买的一家工厂,这家工厂为宜家生产产品. 我被带到一个工人们只在练习某些操作的地方. I was told this area was a training place for new employees, 在那一周,工人们正在练习缝制一个具有高度施工复杂性的牛仔口袋. They told me the training usually lasts weeks, months, 或者等到下水道能把他们的大脑和他们的双手连接起来, know as muscle memory, 这使得他们能够通过重复来熟练地完成某些操作. I wish we had that type of commitment here at our US factories. 这将使我们能够在很大程度上提高样品的质量和美国制造服装的生产.


  1. Appropriate tools: 一些款式的复杂性在很大程度上决定了一件产品是适合美国生产还是适合海外生产. At our studio, we produce all kinds of outdoor, 运动服装是我们服装开发专业知识的重要组成部分. These pieces are complex, 有时他们可能有30或接近50种不同的缝纫操作,大多数时候他们需要工程切割, laser cutting and other types of advance cutting-edge machinery. 美国的一些或大多数工厂不提供这些操作,因此他们的工人没有接受过使用这些复杂工具的培训, which forces us to produce overseas.

Deplorable Factory Conditions

In our search to find the optimal outsourcing partner, we have toured worldwide and multiple continents. 工厂条件是你的外包合作伙伴如何对待你的产品的第一个标志. 这是一个明确的迹象,表明你的项目将得到什么样的待遇.

Unfortunately, some of the US factories, especially the ones in LA, lack the proper conditions a factory should have, and this includes:


  1. Unhygienic work conditions:

Few years ago, I was producing a collection in LA. 我签约的代理帮我把产品放在不同的工厂, kept trying to prevent me from visiting the actual factories. I insisted many times and finally I was able to visit them. I will never forget when I entered this factory, where all around me was dirt, scraps of fabrics, and other materials on the floors, and workstations. Everything looked disorganized, dirty, and displaced. To my surprised, in one of the rooms, I saw a baby girl not older than one year old, she was by herself and crying. I asked the manager, why was the baby there, by herself. I shared my concern of how dirty everything looked around the baby. That was evidently not a place for a child.  They told me she was a child of one of the workers, and nothing else was said about it, in fact, they did not like when I asked about the condition of the factory, and about the baby being there. 我知道这不关我的事,但就是在那时我决定不和这些工厂做生意的.


The overall condition of this factory was deplorable, and seeing the baby crying in those conditions, just hurt my heart. Unfortunately, in most cases, 在这些工厂工作的工人是缺乏教育的少数民族, lack of opportunities, and resources, some of them work illegally, 大多数人被迫在恶劣的环境下工作,因为他们别无选择. 这种情况不仅发生在美国的一些工厂,而且发生在世界各地. 因此,我们为只与优先考虑环境条件的工厂合作而感到自豪.


那天我参观了洛杉矶附近的五家工厂,大多数工厂的环境条件都很差. My productions did not achieve the level of quality I needed, and this is when I lost all confident in US factories, especially the ones in LA.



I know this is not the condition of all the factories in the US. 许多工厂都在努力保持可接受的条件,努力保持良好的环境条件.


但许多工厂没有得到充分的维护和定期清洁. This results in dirty workstations and an unclean factory overall. 在这种情况下生产服装,任何信誉良好的公司都不会接受, especially when it violates specific health hazards. 销售给客户的产品在销售之前需要通过某些检查, and cleanliness is one of the primary ones. 让我们的任何产品以这种方式生产的想法都是一个大问题.


这是在呼吁政界人士和政府帮助改善我们在美国工厂的条件,这样更多的品牌和公司就可以在这些工厂生产,并感到他们公平对待自己的员工, and producing the highest quality products possible.


Lack of Proper Customer Care Services

美国外包市场的另一个问题是,许多公司在客户关怀正规赌篮球的APP方面疏忽大意,没有优先考虑客户的需求和要求. The administration, too, is not very motivated to comply, making them disagreeable partners to work with. 因为这是一项大业务,而产品的生产是该业务不可分割的一部分, 最好的合作伙伴是令人愉快的和客户友好的.



Poor Work Ethic

与美国公司合作的另一个问题是,他们的职业道德并不总是达到标准. Product manufacturing deadlines are often not met. 工作的质量往往比承诺和期望的要低得多.


所呈现的原型质量很差,并且缺少对细节的关注. This is a big reason why US companies are, most of the time, 不是外包给好的合作伙伴,因为你的产品质量将代表你的公司,并决定你将来是否会有更多的客户.


这就是为什么我们目前非常谨慎地选择我们在美国工厂团队的一部分的一些原因. We know we’re not the only ones with this issue, read about trading companies having the same issues with US factories here. 在Savvy Apparel Studio,我们关心客户的需求得到最大程度的满足. Thus, until these standards are met, and the working conditions are improved, 我们将非常小心我们的合同,不会与任何美国公司在目前的可悲的合作, poor condition. 我们希望这些情况在美国的一些工厂能尽快得到改变, we want this so much, but for right now, the nature of our developments, most of the time, have a certain high complexity, especially the athletic apparel products, and we have no other option than to produce overseas.


如果您正在寻找美国生产,让我们帮助您评估您的项目. Please email us your project details here






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